“These diseases are caused by our modern and urban lifestyle. Us drifting away from nature, with its microbial diversity, has made our immune-system weaker,” Kari Sinivuori says, adding that there is a lack of microbial diversity especially during childhood, when it is being developed.
Presently, there are about a hundred different types of immune-mediated diseases. In the EU alone, the cost of immune-mediated diseases is around € 100 billion a year, and it continues to grow as people move to cities at increasing rates.
What is the solution, then? Uute Scientific Oy has come up with a product called Re-connecting Nature™ to fix the situation.
“It is a microbial extract which brings the microbial diversity of natural environments back to people’s everyday life, helping them in the development and maintaining of a strong immune system,” Sinivuori sums up.
Re-connecting Nature™ can come in the form of, for example, a very fine powder or other material shapes. The extract is meant to get in contact with the skin: it is mixed with or integrated to daily consumer products that get in contact with children’s skin, such as, for example, fabrics and creams.