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HealthBIO 2021 Pitching Competition

Aug 15, 2021

HealthBIO Seminar and Get together, 15 September
The 15th HealthBIO event will be arranged on-site at Presidentti auditorium, BioCity, and Get-together at Visitor and Innovation Centre Joki, Turku.

The program includes an overview of the newest trends and successful companies will share their latest insights on the development of the life-science business environment. The program also introduces the most significant projects in the life-science field: CancerIO and InFlames. CancerIO is coordinated by the University of Helsinki and focuses on immuno-oncology, while InFlames is a joint flagship project of the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University and focuses on immunology.

HealthBIO 2021 Partnering Event, 16 September
The HealthBIO 2021 Partnering Day and Pitching Competition will be arranged on at SparkUp in ElektroCity, Turku.

Apply for the pitching competition by sending a short abstract of your 5 min presentation to tero.piispanen@turkubusinessregion.com by 15 August 2021.


Aug 15, 2021
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Aug 15, 2021
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